Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas at our place ..

My family spent Christmas at Pip and Matt`s over on the east coast at a beach side village - Papamoa - a beautiful long stretch of white sand and blue waves. My eldest Grandchild, Lia, spent alot of time at the table with her new drawing books, she is very talented like her Mum, Megan, my eldest daughter, who is an artist. It was quite a warm day so all the windows and doors were flung open to the sea breeze, nice mellow music and a very tasty BBQ with yummy salads and desserts were laid out for a feast !
Meg holding her little nephew Jackson, who belongs to my son Cameron and his wife Carly. This cutie is 4 months old now and very sweet.

My gorgeous Grandson, Elliott Thomas, just loved ripping paper off his presents then stuffing it into the stacking cups his Nana gave him - oh, and the mouth organ was fun to !!

1 comment:

The Weaver of Grass said...

Nice family photographs. How I would like some of that warm weather - it is minus six here and very cold.
Love the photo of him ripping off the wrapping paper - often at that age they like the wrapping better than the present. My son used to spend hours playing with my baking tins!