Monday, January 26, 2009

My Country, My Heart . . .

Aotearoa, The Land of the Long White Cloud, or as it is known through - out the world, New Zealand, is my land - I am drawn to her every fibre . . I know I can never live away from these shores for long before needing to come home.
Maybe it is something to do with the fact that we are 2 larger and afew small islands parked way down at the bottom of the Pacific ocean, one of the last places to be discovered by the western world, with totally amazing flora and fauna that has stayed the same for thousands of years.

Forgive me for rambling, but I feel a connection to this place that seems to get deeper as I get older, I feel drawn to my birthplace - does anyone else feel that ? - or am I a real weirdo as my children secretly think ?
We, as a nation, tend not to express our emotions, a left-over from the Victorian era that most of our ancestors immigrated in. My grandmother, who was born here, referred to England as `home` until she died. We have a developed a certain culture of our own, only in the last 50 years , so as you can imagine, the old ways still rear their puritain heads sometimes. Anyone waxing lyrical about anything is mocked, the `tall poppy syndrom` - never mind, at least my children will always beable to say their mother was never boring, she did her best to always make life interesting and fun !!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Ngaio. If you get time today please pop to my blog and tell me what luxury you want to take to the Desert Island. All the books you listed have been packed and we set sail today!

Veronica said...

Im loving this land of ours too.

Rima Staines said...

Hello Ngaio.. thanks for visiting my Hermitage! Glad you enjoyed your wander there..
It is an interesting question you pose about homeland... I am half an NZer - my mum was born in Hawera.. but Tui and I were both born in the UK... though always find it strange when we are asked on our travels where we are "from" :)
Your daughter's painting is really fabulous! Thanks for pointing me there!
All bests to you from here

Heather said...

Hello Ngaio - thanks for visiting the Ragged Old Blogger. You are certainly not weird, and I think we should all be proud of our heritage, and should be allowed to be so. The unfurling fern frond on your most recent post is so lovely. It is fascinating to think that there are fossilised imprints of fern leaves found. They must be tough plants to have been around so long. I am going to explore the rest of your blog - I think it is going to be added to my list of favourites. Best wishes, Heather.

Heather said...

I knew there was something else I had to tell you - our cat is just an ordinary black 'moggy' but in some lights his fur looks brown. I love your photos and interesting historical info. on your earlier posts,and your family photos are great too.

Anonymous said...

I have lived more of my life away from my birthplace, but still consider myself a New Zealander.
I, too, feel the pull and get decidedly "twitchy" if I am too long away!
And, yes, I am a Waikato girl, too.And was, for many years a beekeeper, in NZ and Australia.